
Julia Izmałkowa

How to give the best gifts according to psychologists

Reading Time: 8 minutes The golden rule is: MINDFULNESS, MINDFULNESS, MINDFULNESS. No mindfulness = no good gifts. Mindfulness is like roaring as loud as a lion: YOU ARE IMPORTANT TO ME – what you want and what you need is my bible.

There is no such segment – “People in Covid”.

Reading Time: 5 minutes Radical, sudden changes in the way we function socially and professionally, immersion in a sense of uncertainty, additional unexpected duties for parents – all this has caused quite a lot of mental turbulence.
The media and brands have created one segment of people for themselves: ‘living in covid’. But it’s far from the truth that everyone has the same needs or fears. Just like before and after Covid: PEOPLE ARE DIFFERENT.

365 days of our new life

Reading Time: 3 minutes The only way to survive this journey with the mini human is to relax, enjoy the present moment and surrender to what the future holds. Knowledge helps. Experience as well. However, the thought that OUR CHILD is not OUR property helped us the most.

What do you need your child for?

Reading Time: 2 minutes A child shouldn’t be the one to pass you a glass of water or to keep you company and support you financially when you get old.

What should brands do during Covid-19 crisis?

Reading Time: < 1 minute Julia Izmalkowa – talks from a perspective of a psychologist, strategist and a researcher.

Fergus O’Hare – as a global creative director and former creative director of Facebook comments on strategy, tactics and creativity.

How to survive Valentine’s day?

Reading Time: 2 minutes We see things through our lenses and we are not able to understand how the world looks from the perspective of a person who has different mindset or different context.

What is your life purpose?

Reading Time: < 1 minute I cannot change everything, but some things I can. I want to change the way we all talk on social media to be more true about humans.

Do you care about OPINIONS of others?

Reading Time: < 1 minute The best functioning humans are the ones who are resistant to others opinions. It doesn’t mean they don’t hear them, but …THEY FILTER THEM, through reality, facts, their own values.

Baby boys need more attention

Reading Time: 2 minutes The human male is, on most measures, more vulnerable than the female. Part of the explanation is the biological fragility of the male fetus by the time a boy is born he is on average developmentally some weeks behind his sister…