I connect knowledge with meaning. I believe that NOTHING is more important and practical than knowledge about human nature. People or brands – we all need the same UNDERSTANDING OF HUMAN NATURE. You cannot create epic technology if you don’t truly and deeply understand how the human mind works. You cannot grow and change if you don’t understand yourself and others around you.
I am obsessively practical – so I’m an advocate of unlocking human knowledge first, when creating technology, services and brands…

There is no such segment – “People in Covid”.
Reading Time: 5 minutesRadical, sudden changes in the way we function socially and professionally, immersion in a sense of uncertainty, additional unexpected duties for parents – all this has caused quite a lot of mental turbulence.
The media and brands have created one segment of people for themselves: ‘living in covid’. But it’s far from the truth that everyone has the same needs or fears. Just like before and after Covid: PEOPLE ARE DIFFERENT.
I love truth. I love understanding.
I love breaking rules.
I love making things work better.
I love happy and self fulfilled people.
I love making the world a better place – even if it is
one centimeter at time.