How would you describe yourself?
Mother? Dad? Psychologist? CEO?
Would you describe yourself as a consumer?
The fact is that NOBODY describes themselves as a consumer –
which is why we only do research on PEOPLE.
We don’t do consumer safaris of any kind or a circus’ for clients, so that they can feel better about
themselves knowing that they did more than focus groups.
In our research – both researchers and clients are INVITED to peoples lives.
We are guests – not hunters.
Julia is Founder of IZMALKOWA – the only research company that specialises
in using the PSYCHOLOGY OF LIES for business and marketing.
Understanding consumers is easy. But to understand them as a humans, that is a challenge.
IZMALKOWA has its own methodologies on how to design, conduct and analyse data –
so you get KNOWLEDGE, not just information.
U sing insights from economics and psychology, we identify thinking and behavioural patterns that
make an positive impact on your business.
Julia created a methodology that delivers a report like strategist to strategist.
If you want to know more about research – write to us
Internal research of a company with IZMALKOWA’S methodology is like an X-ray of
your company.
If we don't find anything, it means that it doesn’t exist.
Research is ALWAYS an investment of goodness in your company. Our research is like vitamin C – it’s healthy and it fixes just about anything.
As it is a HIGHLY customised project –
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You and your employees can be THE BEST researchers of your own company.
There are times when it is necessary to hire a research company, but there is a massive opportunity wasted if your employees are not collecting data about your customers on an everyday basis.
We can help you create your own interal research department – where EVERYONE in your company is including in gathering data about your consumers.
Julia will train your employees, teaching them how to collect and analyse data.
How to design a tailored process for your company.
How to effectively share this data and implement it to grow your business.
It’s one of the best ways to make people feel important and an inherent part of the company. You give them a chance to make a real change, to innovate.
Julia will give them the competence to design the whole process, so it will be successful without any external support.