
The 10 books I give people I love (or love very much)

5 min reading

Quick summary:

I hate borrowing books. So Here is a list of the 10 most popular ones - the ones that I give people I love, like or respect (or all of above).
Reading Time: 5 minutes

If you want to remain my friend – NEVER, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever ask to borrow one of my precious books. Also, never touch my books without asking me first. I make personal notes in each, so thumbing through my books is like reading my diary.

If we’re not friends and you just take a book from my shelf, in nonchalant way to see “what this book is about,” – you’ve lost your chance for us to drink Prosecco and eat ice cream on my roof terrace on a beautiful summer evening.

Because I’m so obsessed with NOT SHARING my books – I buy them as presents instead – a lot.

Here is a list of the 10 most popular ones – the ones that I give people I love, like or respect (or all of above).

 1.    The Algebra of Happiness: Notes on the Pursuit of Success, Love, and Meaning Scott Galloway 

The Professor is one of not many people who is worth listening to when it comes to Marketing!

This book is not about business this time – rather, it’s about how to be happy, instead of just how to be successful. This book is based on research and provides hard data, but at the same time Galloway  is opening up about his own mistakes, so we don’t feel like a total loser.

Here you find out why NOT marrying a Parasite should be number one goal in your life.

Of course, a lot of us have divorced friends, so we don’t need research to know that this is true  – but, Galloway proves it with numbers and provides logical arguments that you can have with your son – about why he should never date a girl who never finished high school and never plans on working. There’s a LOT of other great perspectives about what to do and what not to do – if you want to be happy.

 2.    Thinking, Fast and Slow. Daniel Kahneman  

It is a bible. So, it’s not an easy read and you will not do it in one month. But if you sell, create or deal with the creatures called humans – you HAVE to read it! I cannot remember how many times gave this book as a present 10? 20? A lot.

So that you know how much I love it – I always travel with an ebook copy of this book. Just in case – well, you never know!

 3.    12 rules for life. Jordan Peterson

It is a controversial choice, because some people hate Peterson. Some people think that he is silly or patronising – it is their right to have their opinion. I completely disagree.

I personally find so much deepness in his way of thinking, that I completely disagree that he is patronising. I love that he is one of not many people who still possesses the art of discussion and I love him even more for not wanting to be liked.

I identify with him very much, as his need to say what he wants is so much bigger that his need to be liked

 4.    The Undoing Project, Michael Lewis

Everyone deserves a friend who makes them the best version of themselves – and not the Hollywood version of what friendship is about. This book is about two real humans. With

flaws, ego and communication problems (which is not surprising considering that they are the greatest Psychologists of our century).

It’s not Dostoevsky, but the story makes up for the sometimes stiff form.

It made my cry, think and it made me jealous (also about Lewis being able to have an interview with Professor Daniel and the Amos family).

I was very touched by this book. Which is why I give it to people who, like I, have very high expectations from friendships. Then they know that real FRIENDSHIP does exist – and it’s much deeper than ‘Likes’ on Instagram or holidays together (not).

 5.    Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking. Susan Cain  

My first thought after reading this book was: OMG, finally I know I am not crazy. And, I’m not alone. There are many more of us: people who don’t like sound. Or parties, Or loud music. Or being around new people.

You don’t have to be introvert to benefit from this book  – you need to read this book to be a great friend, boss, partner to the introverts that you know.

6.    Alain de Botton – EVERYTHING

Every one of Alain Button’s books is a MASTERPIECE. He is so smart and he is such a good writer. I love his books, I love his speeches. I love his school – “school of life.“ The fact that they print an author means he is thought leader and worth reading.

Literally my favourite modern philosopher. Love, love, love him. Please live a long life and write many more books Allain. 

P.S. Did. I mention that I love him?

 7.   Tribe of Mentors and Tools of titans. Tim Ferris  

He is not my favourite author and they’re not my favourite books.


These books are full of my favourite people who have extraordinary minds.

For me, it’s a little bit like reading summaries – but I still enjoy reading tips from the best of the best in their fields


I cannot recommend just one book – you must read literally everything! I pray for Yalom to live long and prosper (like Spock) so I can read him. He is my book desert. 

Yalom is one of the best living modern psychotherapist from Stanford. He is good friends with my beloved Zimbardo (I know this because professor Z once sent me their photo).

“It is never too late for happy childhood” – my favourite quote that my therapist repeats to me after each session. And I repeat it to everyone who starts a conversation about their childhood drama.

Yalom is a master of talking about psychology through novels! He is the only one (he and Murakami) whose novels I read.

I love him. I gift him to only my most open and sensitive friends. It is a book for life, not just for business.

9.  21 Lessons for the 21st Century. Sapiens.A Brief History of Humankind.  Yuval Noah Horari 

 It is a rare combination of facts and fresh perspective. I finished all 3 books in one month and felt sense of Sadness when I turned the last page. First of all, because the future doesn’t look bright if we continue to be the way we are (as humans). And because he has only written 3 books.

These books are a MUST for anyone who is trying to understand the modern world. Because, you can’t understand the story of NOW without understanding HISTORY. 

10 .Happiness and other small things of absolute importance. Haim Shapira 

Anyone who knows me – knows that it’s hard to make me laugh. I smile – but I rarely laugh. Usually, just one person on earth makes me laugh – Fergus. Now it’s also Haim. a5

Don’t read it in a public place – It will make you laugh out loud and people will think that you are a crazy person!

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