Opinions. They maybe be interesting, but they’re irrelevant to who you are!
The best functioning humans are the ones who are resistant to others opinions. It doesn’t mean they don’t hear them, but …THEY FILTER THEM, through reality, facts, their own values.
It also doesn’t mean they don’t feel unpleasant sometimes – they are not robots, but they can disassociate themselves from these feelings. The most common strategy is to simply talk to yourself and CHECK REALITY.

In the meantime…
NARCISSISTIC people, instead of checking with facts, they check with their opinions – that is why it’s literally impossible to win with them. They have just one reality: ME REALITY.
So how do you deal with them: LEAVE THEM. Escape, divorce, fire, change job before their poison will touch your mind.
That is why it is so important to work on resilience when it comes to opinions and on letting people go who believe that they are always right.