
psychology is my queen

Life is easy for some people

Reading Time: 6 minutesIt’s easy to like yourself when others like you. But when you don’t see any friendly faces you need to make twice the effort. You can learn to ADORE yourself –  THANKS TO the  people

What to do when somebody doesn’t understand you

Reading Time: 5 minutesI love people. I also love no people Having people around means 100% awareness and focus on the other person. Listening to facts and emotions and processing them. Making sure that they know and feel

#1 rule to be effectively persuasive

Reading Time: 3 minutesPulau Weh – one of the most beautiful islands I have ever been in my life. A green and blue paradise with whole lot of apes and fabulous diving. After an hour of beautiful sights

Kill your kitty

Reading Time: 6 minutes“Miss Julia, if there’s one thing that I’m sure of after this meeting, it’s that I really wouldn’t like to be your enemy.” “I’m actually a very kind person in private life.” “I believe you,

Me – my own God

Reading Time: 6 minutesI believe in intentions more than I believe in opinions Psychologists say that the truth, when expressed with bad intentions, is aggression. There is objective truth, so subjective truth is only an opinion, that is,

Recycling bullshit

Reading Time: 6 minutesI’m tired of ecology being used for the sake of someone’s business and profit. Everyone talks of transparency and then… they display a board with a text like that: “If you care for the planet

I’m a luxury woman

Reading Time: 8 minutesEveryone has their own private kind of luxury. Sometimes it’s enough to notice what kind of things are bothering us. You don’t need to have everything in order to be happy.  I didn’t read about

Are you sure money can’t buy happiness?

Reading Time: 7 minutesThere are many things that don’t bring happiness: acing your matriculation exam, having bright blue eyes or a golden tan, eating a ripe avocado, owning a house in the mountains, bathing in beautiful sunshine or

My flirt with death. What I learned about myself

Reading Time: 8 minutes2:30 PM, Salvador, Brazil. My first day in Bahia – a beautiful black part of Brazil. Black women pretend to be natural here by wearing their traditional African clothing and the tourists pretend to believe