
The most moving summer, #ranking 1

2 min reading

Quick summary:

Reading Time: 2 minutes

There are some people who like autumn. They constitute as much as 1/4 of the whole world’s population, at least according to quantitative studies (on a side note, I wonder whether the person asking about it loves autumn too).
Me, I love summer. The purpose of my life is to find a place in the world where summer is the ONLY season. Then, no matter whether I go to Antarctica or Patagonia, I will be happy knowing that SUMMER awaits me at home.
The ocean, the scent of the sun on the skin, warm sand on a beach, green trees, tasty fruit…This summer was very special to me. Many things happened, many reflections came and many habits went away.
I wanted to share with you the ranking of my texts. Those that were read the most often were the most important to me since they moved something in me and left something inside me in the most permanent way.
That is why I want to provide you with a time machine allowing you to travel back to the summer during which so many things happened.

  1. What I learned when I lost my vision, Paris

I think that the loss of eyesight is among the three worst events in my life. I’m not going to pretend I was brave – I was scared like hell. Like hell and then some. I regained my eyesight but now I have to fight myself in order no to get paranoid and not treat myself as if I was made of glass. Losing my vision  really straightened me up and changed a whole lot in me, in a very profound, intracellular way.

  1. No one owes you a thing. You owe yourself, Patagonia

Patagonia was a very special experience because of the cold and the mountains, both of which I’m not that fond of. It’s not that I don’t like the mountains, but I definitely prefer the sea. That is why I’m going for my chase-the-sun-trip – to be close to the sea. In Patagonia I was deprived of it for almost a half of my voyage. The whole experience inspired me to reflect on how often we want to find the blame outside of ourselves, instead of taking matters into our own hands and remembering the consequences.I am not bossy. I am the boss – that’s what I was humming when I was writing about it.

  1. Amazingness – in standard, magic – takes a little bit longer, lesson by F., Cannes 

Cannes raised a lot of controversy this year. For me it is a very important event. It is the biggest professional training that I go through during the year. Moreover, it’s an extraordinary meeting with extremely talented people. Mr. F is a very special person – he let me feel that creation, strategy, customer, agency – we are not so different if wr have the same goal, values and vision He also charged me with energy and unconditional passion towards what you are doing – whatever it is
Only fucking amazing, please!

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